Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, jd.id dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time
Good Morning guys! ahaaaa.... Well it's strange for me to blog in an early morning. Yepp I woke up quiet early today so here I am. 2 days left before Chinese New Year!!! Yeay!!!! Gong xi Gong xi!!! Red envelope! I hope I can get a lot of red envelope so I can start saving for my Ps4 :P. I'm single so whatever. I can get to save a lot of money each month since I don't go out a lot except for a special occasion or gym on the weekdays. The workout is really made a big impact for me hahaa.. I'm really grateful with my fellow friends that always accompany me to gym. We are on fire and we share the same goals for the workout. For me I would like to have six packs and descent body muscle so that I can look better. :P but in the other hand I actually wanna try out to be a model if I got the goals that I wanted. Just once in a life time I can try to be a model and I still need to work out more on my stomach. Ew!!! I hate sit ups and dumbels they're tough and heavy and I st...