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Pengalaman buat Project digital pertama yaitu

Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time

How Travelling Has Taught Me To Be A Happier Person

I am indescribably happier when I am travelling and there is no doubt about that. However I know that one day I won't be able to travel like I do now since I need to have a house and family one day. I won't be able to drop everything and just go wherever I want again as I needed to find a way to feel incredible myself by just let myself go somewhere without thinking about work or any stupid problem. Actually I am glad that I can have the chance to travel and see the world (*that's what I always convince myself) so I don't go out and travel, I haven't seen the real world.

Thai trip with the group

So I actually learned a lot when I studied abroad. Personally I changed a lot, I prefer to socialize eventhough I wasn't able to do it at first but now I am better. I drive myself to be better by trying to learn new things, reading more articles and books and travelling of course. I started my 'solo' travelling trip when I was just graduated from highschool so I went to Singapore for the first time by myself since my family had never been there as well and we didn't have so much money to let my family accompanied me to go to singapore. So in the end I went there by myself though I doubt myself on the night before whether I could go by myself. Anyway I survived my first trip there and I successfully made some friends there.

My Pulau Harapan trip 2015
Here are some points that hungry zombie learned from travelling that make me happier when I travel:
1. Have gratitude in all situations: Like I told you I never went on a trip by myself until I graduated from highschool. Eventhough I went to study to Singapore but everyday was a new learning day for me. I learned how to stayover at my friend's apartment, went home late and learning some sets of skills to survive. There's always a first time for everything :)

I learned how it felt to be late to the airport so I needed to buy a new ticket, but I just laughed on that situation and got over it. I got drunk in Bali after my 21st birthday and it felt great lol. Actually that was my first time of drinking alcohol as well. Things got better actually and my life changed time through time which made me able to do more things to plan on travelling and spend more time for holidays.

My first trip to India
2. Meeting new People. Meeting new people was one of the hardest thing that I could do last time. I got no choice but to change myself so I can enjoy talking to strangers and meeting new people. So this is the key to stay alive in a strange place or to stay content when you're travelling. I found out that talking and meeting with new people is contagious. Bonus points and tips, you can try to use dating apps like tinder to help you meet new people while you're travelling since I did that with no shame :)

Taman Safari Trip
3. Travelling makes self care is a priority. Well I love staying at home just as much as travelling outside. But when I am outside I always make time to do Muay thai, eat new dishes, read more books and be outside, it makes a huge difference when I'm only staying at home. I actually made myself learn new things like cooking, playing guitar and public speaking skills too.

Pattaya trip
4. Find a job that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning. This is too easy to say than done. I am not having this kind of job at the moment but I wish I had. I am still working 5 days a week in a digital marketing agency in Jakarta so I am not there yet. However this job enables me to travel around and become mobile by not staying too much in the office which is better than my last job.

5. Plan on your next trip. Nothing better than planning your next trip since that what I always look forward to. It always gives me motivation to save more money, to prepare my things and be grateful from time to time. I can do a small trip outside town which still counted as my trip. I planned my trip every year actually so I always save my money to travel 2-3 times abroad in a year. Since I am looking forward going on a new adventure and creating new memories and experience too!

Rafting in Bali
That's some short list about how travelling has taught me much to become a happier person. Well I am going to get engage soon with my girlfriend which is in a few months time. I am planning my last trip to Japan on my own next year before we get married. Actually this will be against my money planning policy since I will be saving more to get a house or apartment for our living in the future. It'll be my last bachelor trip I would say to Japan and I've been waiting for this for over 5 years hahaha.. So I am not going to miss this.

Anyway thank you for the time to read my post and I will see you guys soon!



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