Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, jd.id dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time
Hello there I`m finally back! Anyway, I was just checking out my blog this afternoon from the office and I wondered why did I stop writing last year. Well out of my curiosity I was thinking like, should I start writing again? Before 2014 was actually ended, Somebody was actually giving me an advice to start writing again. Well that person didn`t specify what kind of things that should I write. Actually I did say to that person that I like to write songs and actually I have a blog which I didn`t bother much at that moment. So I took a bet for this year to actually start writing again. So here I am!
I wonder where to start but a lot of things happened last year and a lot of experience had been learned from bad to worst. I had been in my worst moment of my life again last year but pheww.... I actually overcome it. :) So since my last post I actually accepted in a 5 star hotel as a Digital Marketing which is a pretty exciting job so far for me. Though I didn`t have much experience in that position however I can convince the GM that I am different and *boom here I am.
So I am working with a lot of professional people at the moment which allow me to be able to learn a lot of things from them. See? A lot of things happened last year though I`m still single :( . Anyway doesn`t matter, there is always the time for everything.
The last 5 months, I started to go for muay thai session at PIK. Hahahaa.. Right, I know what you`re thinking. You`re thinking the same as my sg friends. It`s just never been planned before, to actually do that kind of stuff since it didn`t reflect my personality. Lol If you know me you`ll understand. But the thing is, I actually do it to preserve my emotion so I can control myself better. It is not easy working with that kind of people, because there are certain of people that can really put on my nerve haha. So far I find some but I feel perfectly fine now.
January almost ends, Arghhh it means it almost Valentine! Here goes trouble hahaha... No date no Valentine,lol as usual and for the last few years. Gonna look for a date first! *kidding
Well the right person will come anyway, maybe not now but always in the right time.
So I will be signing off now and stay tuned I will be writing a new post again soon!
I wonder where to start but a lot of things happened last year and a lot of experience had been learned from bad to worst. I had been in my worst moment of my life again last year but pheww.... I actually overcome it. :) So since my last post I actually accepted in a 5 star hotel as a Digital Marketing which is a pretty exciting job so far for me. Though I didn`t have much experience in that position however I can convince the GM that I am different and *boom here I am.
So I am working with a lot of professional people at the moment which allow me to be able to learn a lot of things from them. See? A lot of things happened last year though I`m still single :( . Anyway doesn`t matter, there is always the time for everything.
The last 5 months, I started to go for muay thai session at PIK. Hahahaa.. Right, I know what you`re thinking. You`re thinking the same as my sg friends. It`s just never been planned before, to actually do that kind of stuff since it didn`t reflect my personality. Lol If you know me you`ll understand. But the thing is, I actually do it to preserve my emotion so I can control myself better. It is not easy working with that kind of people, because there are certain of people that can really put on my nerve haha. So far I find some but I feel perfectly fine now.
January almost ends, Arghhh it means it almost Valentine! Here goes trouble hahaha... No date no Valentine,lol as usual and for the last few years. Gonna look for a date first! *kidding
Well the right person will come anyway, maybe not now but always in the right time.
So I will be signing off now and stay tuned I will be writing a new post again soon!
Stay Tuned!
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