Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, jd.id dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time
Hey guys! how are you doing? Seems the weather wasn`t really good these days. Well the flood in Jakarta is the proof. So anyway my place is alright and much better than any other place in Jakarta that could`ve been much worse.
Hmm... So why I would like to talk about `Growing Up` hahaha.. I couldn`t understand either. However seems to be an interesting topic for today. I ride my bike every morning to work and most of the time I spend my time on the way there thinking about anything. I could say that I could`ve lost inside my own thoughts.
At one time in the morning I was having this thought like I was somewhere back on my highschool year. I was like if i were like this at that time, things would be different. Such as I could have known a lot of people especially the girls (since I was that shy and really really noob, so I got a lot of bullies from my classmate). Pardon me of my wild imagination okay!
Well I could have my first sex experience, hahaha since my friends always bragged about how he slept we this girl or that girl. I was jealous and I would like to try too and I never got the chance.
Hmm... So why I would like to talk about `Growing Up` hahaha.. I couldn`t understand either. However seems to be an interesting topic for today. I ride my bike every morning to work and most of the time I spend my time on the way there thinking about anything. I could say that I could`ve lost inside my own thoughts.
At one time in the morning I was having this thought like I was somewhere back on my highschool year. I was like if i were like this at that time, things would be different. Such as I could have known a lot of people especially the girls (since I was that shy and really really noob, so I got a lot of bullies from my classmate). Pardon me of my wild imagination okay!
Well I could have my first sex experience, hahaha since my friends always bragged about how he slept we this girl or that girl. I was jealous and I would like to try too and I never got the chance.
hahhaa but the truth is I`ve never had one before. Yepp please laugh! But I never regret the choice that I`ve made. Above all that there is a one question that`s really pierce through my heart, ` Would you date yourself If you were someone else?` The truth is I`ve realized that all the choices that I`ve made so far had come to me like this way. I would be different if I chose differently. So have you guys given a thought about that question?
Let`s walk around before I get back to that question. I`m not a naive person who acts like I`m innocent or something. I understand what`s happening around me but I know how to behave myself and I walk carefully and think differently. Everything that I`ve experienced, is just part of growing up. I always wish time would go back and I would choose a different choice, However I`m glad that is never going to happen. Time flies, life goes on and we are moving on!
Okay back to the question for me I would say that I would date myself, Though I may seem so quiet and shy but in the other end I am your favourite man. How about you?
Just a few days before the Valentines day! hahaha... Probably i will be spending my day at home and have a haircut in the afternoon. :D
Actually there are so much things to talk about regarding this kind of topic, probably I will continue next time or never :P
So I will see you guys in the next post!
Cheers :)
Ps: No picture will be shared this time, Probably on the next post.
Stay Tuned!
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