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Pengalaman buat Project digital pertama yaitu

Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time

Singapore short escape

Hello Guys, how are you? hahhaaa.. I just came back from my holiday to Singapore. Ahaaa It`s been 2 years plus I bet since the last time I went to sg. Well there are a lot of things I missed there I told you most of the time hahaha..... So anyway I travelled with my mom there, There are not pretty much changes just only there is a new line called downtown line. I havent tried it yet but I saw it`s already operating. The day that I went back it was still a merely on progress hahaa... Cheers from Singapore yo!

I told you guys it was never easy to leave my life there in Singapore. Seems I have settled there and ready to live my life there. However God`s plan is always different from my plan, he already planned something bigger for me in Jakarta so that`s the day I decided to go back. Since I couldn`t get my pass approve so Jakarta is ready to get me back. hehehe..

Christmas is the mark of holiday mood hahaha.. It`s just very fun to be back to Singapore and have a holiday. Anyway we went shopping and I got my Iphone 6s Plus!!!!!

Hahaa It was my whole plan actually from the beginning to get this phone lol. I worked so hard but if I can`t have a little break by doing a little shopping it`s just very bad. So anyway the fun continues to bugis area.

view from bras basah complex
afternoon city view from bras basah complex

bugis street

I`ve been there for 3 days so I just tried to have my fun there hahaa.. Since I`ll be back to reality tomorrow aaaahh damn! I want to extend actually hiks.  I visited somebody`s relative that used to close to me back then hahaha.. I miss that person actually. that will be the moment that I would like to replay and rewind. So moving on hahahaa... It`s in the past!

I saw this banner and I forgot to try from carls
this place brings back a lot of memories T_T

So I visited jurong point mall which was my old place hahaha... My favorite mall of course since it was nearby my apartment. You know by being back to singapore everywhere I go it`s just bring back memories hahaha.. That moment won`t be able to come back again since everybody got their own activity now.

right here after the escalator from fairprice 
Parlement area

So I took a lot of pictures to actually help me remind myself regarding those memories hahaa.. I had some pictures taken back then however I didn`t post it. let me check it through my hard disk and I will post it sometime. Oh ya I visited orchard road at night but it was closed for public and private transportation. It was actually full of people there. There were some performance also and I never saw orchard like that other than christmas or new year. this one is not considered as early christmas celebration right?

Lastly I would like to mention my place where I was staying, It is Sheraton Singapore!! Hahaha a little bit Norak since I`ve never stayed there before. Okay my comment is the place was good, the bed was good and comfy as usual but maybe it`s just the breakfast. I felt like it`s just not so many choices and varieties. the pork bacon was too dry but anyway it was okay.

Our Bedroom there in Sheraton
City View from our room
Never forget this awesome christmas tree
Upps snap of breakfast

So our adventure eventually ended here hahhaa... I actually met a friend this afternoon though it was raining I never thought there would be a lunch between us. hahhaa.. So we met, we talked what we left off hahhaa.. It was always great to meet her and talk to her actually. Since we are both outspoken and it was just nice to talk to her.  She gave my sister a present again ahhaha.. She should give me one also maybe a heart to steal hahhaa....

So this will be the end of the post so I`ll see you guys on my next post hahhaa.. I`m already in Jakarta btw.


this is their awesome swimming pool. It was cold when I was there
Cheers with my mom
Act like a boss! hahaha
Taken during the breakfast


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