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Pengalaman buat Project digital pertama yaitu

Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time

Career growth

Hello guys, it`s just less than 2 weeks away to end this 2016. I can't believe it's almost the end of the year already. Well I got a new job finally and at last hahaha. I've been looking for a new job since earlier this year. too much interview that I went and I didn't want to remember it again. They like to PHP me!! or what can I say like just give me a false promise? anyway that doesn't matter anymore. So I've been working in a hotel for almost 3 years now. I love the job environment actually at first however they just restricted me to do much on my creativity. I mean I would like to try many things since it should be good right to have much idea. But unfortunately the management didn't say so and they didn't believe so, I believe that's the reason that the hotel is going down.

Hahaa.. actually they just seemed so professional that would be the reason they won't listen. I dislike my direct manager too, since She likes to boss around and more importantly she's so damn like to act smarter than most employee there. I kinda understand why she's like that, she likes to be acknowledged and she likes to be the spot light. I merely don't care about the spot light, I just don't want her to boss me around like a maid. I studied computer science and software engineering last time, I learned how to be reliable, integrity and creative. What I mean is we need to have integrity in every work that we do. That's why I don't like my work to be credited by others including my current manager.

If you know for us programmer we will get paid if we work on something including copying. Chill we are only copying the codes and modify it.
If claiming my work would really get me more money, Just do it! the reality is I don't get any much increment from your doing. It's just you're getting the recognition by claiming my work. Anyway I'm very happy to see the kingdom is going down slowly but sure and everybody is leaving because of the management stupid move and choice.

Moving on! I actually finally get this job unexpectedly from linkedin. Somebody reached me for a job position actually and I was not really that interested at first. I did a skype interview and then it turned out that I am that interested to get that job. Short story is, I did a presentation with the director APAC and the CEO through skype and finally get it! I am so happy since this is unexpected hahaha... So anyway I will be on my last day this Friday. There were a lot of up and down during my work here in the hotel. I will post a video later on before the year ends about the work in the hotel. So until then, thanks for reading my post!


Merry Christmas!


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