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Pengalaman buat Project digital pertama yaitu

Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time

A Beginner’s Guide to Travel Solo

I am the kind of person who likes to explore and see the world. Well for me the world is not only in Indonesia and the multicultural culture will not be only found in Indonesia. Well if i'm not travelling in a year I will not know what will happen to my head. Actually travelling is one way to escape from my tiredness, busyness and the headache of work and life. There are actually 2 type of travelers that I might say, 1 is the group type of traveler and the other one is the solo type. There are actually pro and cons between group and solo. For me I love to be lost somewhere in a new town and just explore and find new things. There is a certain type of accomplishment feeling if I survived :D

Asiatique Bangkok

This time Sasha Garcia from Oasiscollections is sharing some tips and guide that you may need before you decide to travel alone. Traveling alone can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. From finding rental homes in Los Angeles to planning your itinerary through the Grand Canyon, deciding what to do, where to go, and where to stay can seem overwhelming when traveling alone. To ease your mind, here’s a few pro tips on how to travel solo.

Survival of the Fittest
Sometimes, traveling alone can be a bit like putting yourself into a game of Survival of the Fittest. You’ll need to rely on your strengths to survive. If you’re a social butterfly, for example, you should head to a city or a place where other people are guaranteed to be. Sticking yourself on a remote island will likely drive you crazy.

Sleep Anywhere Other Than a Hotel
Hotels are very overrated when it comes to having a true travel experience. Instead, look for options that place you with other travelers in the center of things. You’ll have the opportunity of being immersed into the local culture and establishing new relationships.

Get to Know Yourself
Being alone for long periods of time can be daunting, but only if you let it be. Embrace the peace and quiet. Who knows, you might learn something new about yourself.

Don’t be Afraid to Say No
Being alone comes often means you’re more bombarded by beggars and other unwanted situations. Remember it’s okay to say, “no, thank you.”

Share Your Experiences
Take as many photos as possible. You’ll be happy you did once you’re sitting around the bar back home telling your friends about your big solo excursion. It’s also a great way of keeping in touch while you’re away without being attached to your device. Post a photo once or twice, send to a few friends, and you’ve done your digital duties.

Eat Like A Local
One of the most important things about traveling is the food. Treat yourself on occasion and go to a few fancy restaurants. Don’t forget the local markets and local hole-in-the-walls, too. It’s all about balance. If you’re uncomfortable at a table for one, just look for a seat at the bar!

Network While You Travel
Solo travel is great, but that doesn’t mean you should isolate yourself from society completely. Hop on Facebook and Twitter to make connections while you’re out and about, especially with those you’re meeting along the way.

Enjoy It While You Can
If traveling alone isn’t really your cup of tea, just think of all the little things you’ve been able to do that you wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. By putting yourself into a situation you didn’t think you’d enjoy, you can realize new things about yourself and enjoy the benefits of traveling alone.

For example, making spur of the moment decisions or spending an excessive amount of time at your favorite landmark are things you get to do because you’re answering just to yourself.

Don’t Hide Behind a Book
Don’t be that lonely person staring at her book at the dinner table. You’re traveling to see and do things, so get your head out of the pages and take in your surroundings. You’ll also look more approachable, and can even get into good conversations with the locals.

Learn the Language
Make an effort to learn a few words of the local language before you go. Just knowing simple phrases, like “hello,” “goodbye,” and “I’d like another one,” makes all the difference. Plus, the learning a language makes for funny and humbling experiences that you can take back with you as excellent stories when you return.

Safety First
Traveling solo is awesome, but your safety should always come first. Watch your drinks, pay attention to local scams, and keep you’re an eye on your valuables.

Traveling alone comes with many advantages. Sure, it may take some initial hurdles and be uncomfortable at times. However, by embracing the benefits, enjoying the time with yourself, and planning ahead the activities you want to do, your solo adventure could be the one of your lifetime.

If you like the article here you can visit Oasiscollections for more tips and guide about how to survive when you are traveling.

Sasha Garcia is the Performance Marketing Director at Oasis - A team of service-focused travel fanatics with a background in design, providing a new brand of hospitality. They’re dedicated to giving travelers an experience that’s off the beaten path, but doesn’t sacrifice service or comfort. By focusing on how to give people an authentic experience in a city or culture, Oasis is changing how people travel.


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