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Wah saatnya mau memperkenalkan project digital pertama gue nih yang dinamain GudangKupon. Nah gudangkupon ini sebenernya concept nya lebih ke katalog promosi online dimana visitor gue bisa dapatin coupon dan deals terbaru dari merchant merchant kayak tokopedia, blibli, lazada, dan masih banyak lagi. Sebenernya gua personally agak ragu ragu tapi yakin buat kerjain project ini dan at first gue cari partner untuk ngerjain bareng tapi susah ternyata, and giliran udah dapet baru 3 mingguan dia udah bounce out karena menurut dia ini untung nya kecil banget dan dia lebih prefer kerjain kerjaan dia yang biasa. not worth time
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Making the right choice in relationship

You hear a lot of advice before you get married. "Keep a date night." "Never go to bed angry." "Make your relationship the first priority." "Don't walk out during an argument." Actually choosing whom you are going to marry is more important since good enough it`s not enough for this. For me I never knew that I would come this far and my time has come when I should take my guts to take my relationship to a whole new level. I was not like this, I always believed that it`s hard to find a girl friend because the lacked of confidence that I had back then. Surely it didn`t give me an easier life with that attitude. My fiancee

Few Reasons about Why you shouldn't wake up early

I recently came across an article on about why you shouldn't wake up early every day. Well frankly speaking it actually highlighted a statement by fellow inc that claimed by waking up at 5am every morning it will increase the productivity. So me myself it's neither an early riser nor early bird which comes to a state where I will be having a heavy sleep deprivation IF i wake up early. Well I usually sleep between 10.00pm - 11.30pm daily so I might feel well if I wake up at 7.30am or 8.00am daily. I hate it when I need to wake up super early because it will effect my whole day condition. I will become a little bit like a zombie by having a difficulties to concentrate. Napping in the afternoon

A Beginner’s Guide to Travel Solo

I am the kind of person who likes to explore and see the world. Well for me the world is not only in Indonesia and the multicultural culture will not be only found in Indonesia. Well if i'm not travelling in a year I will not know what will happen to my head. Actually travelling is one way to escape from my tiredness, busyness and the headache of work and life. There are actually 2 type of travelers that I might say, 1 is the group type of traveler and the other one is the solo type. There are actually pro and cons between group and solo. For me I love to be lost somewhere in a new town and just explore and find new things. There is a certain type of accomplishment feeling if I survived :D

We might Be Going on a Separate way But I still thank God for you

Sometimes people are only meant to touch our lives even though it will just for a short period of time. I can still remember your voice in my head when I looked at our pictures. I cans till picture your face with that smile and laugh towards me. I thought no one ever made me feel that vulnerable before until I saw you 'again' after a while. I did feel that love between us while you're just playing me around. You taught me how to be vulnerable and you taught me how that letting someone in isn't that terrible especially eventhough it wasn't going according to my plan you taught me that love is still beautiful even though I'll get my heart broken.

Asiatique The Riverfront - Another Beautiful Exotic Place in Thailand

"When the night is still young and we are up to the new exploration" So the hot weather in Bangkok is undeniably will make you tired easily if you're not getting used to this kind of weather however luckily since I came from Jakarta it is still nothing. :) I travelled to one of the most popular places in Bangkok called Asiatique The Riverfront. I wasn't here during my last few trip to Bangkok so this was my first time. It is located by the sight of the beautiful Chao Phraya River with a unique style of night market. With a fabulous view, variety of product shops and romantic restaurants, Asiatique has some few interesting facilities that you can try too. Chao Phraya River

How Travelling Has Taught Me To Be A Happier Person

I am indescribably happier when I am travelling and there is no doubt about that. However I know that one day I won't be able to travel like I do now since I need to have a house and family one day. I won't be able to drop everything and just go wherever I want again as I needed to find a way to feel incredible myself by just let myself go somewhere without thinking about work or any stupid problem. Actually I am glad that I can have the chance to travel and see the world (*that's what I always convince myself) so I don't go out and travel, I haven't seen the real world. Thai trip with the group